View Full Version : Shoot The Milky Way on Embung Perning Sky!

18-04-2016, 12:48

Embung Perning, the local people called it Embung that means a reservoir. The best view point for hunting a milky way from Nganjuk East Java. Milky way is the ranks of stars in Galaxy Bimasakti. Now we don't have to use a microscope to see the ranks of stars.

From Embung Perning, we could see the milky way only with naked eyes. You should have a night to see the beautiful of Milky way's view. It is only on a dark sky to have a right shoot of the Milky way, go on into Embung Perning location where is no light anymore, it is not close to the settlements and far from the highway. That place is suitable object destinantion for traveller and photo hunter.

Located in Jatikalen subdistrict, approximately 35 km southeastern Nganjuk. The traveller could build a camp to spend overnight here, or maybe doing a night trip to arrive here right on 01.00 a.m. Don't forget to bring your best camera and tripod.

From the settlements and highway to arrive in Embung Perning you walk follow the path. And be careful with the darkness, uneven fields which is full of weeds. Not only the beautiful night and milky way that you should enjoy, But you can enjoy a blend of reservoir and pinus trees landscape around.

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-rVPzO7lU4Sw/VjQhT2dI56I/AAAAAAAAAyc/cyofF3qMFAA/s1600/tempat%2Bterbaik%2Bmenyaksikan%2Bmilky%2Bway%2B2.j pg
