View Full Version : Luweng Sumpeng Waterfall, The Miniature of Grand Canyon in Central Java

11-04-2016, 15:39
https://scontent-sin1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/12985615_1072290639497919_5376666391653688125_n.jp g?oh=43e9a8b7a781011b73c532958ed86972&oe=57B7B2D2




http://kfk.kompas.com/image/preview/aW1hZ2VzL3Nma19waG90b3Mvc2ZrX3Bob3Rvc18xMzQ3MzU4Nj k5X1JQa0REMUNmLmpwZw%3D%3D.jpg

This is a place in the form of a small waterfall at Gunung Kidul, similar to the Green Canyon. The waterfalls are slid in between the sidelines of beautiful rocks. It's a wowww ....

The location of this waterfall is in Sampang, Gedangsari sub-district, Gunungkidul.
The easy way to reach this location is by passing Bendogantungan Klaten to the South through Canan Village. Then turn to the south again until meet Jogoprayan and Sampang. Incidentally Luweng Sampang is situated on the border between the District of Gedangsari Gunungkidul with Jogoprayan Village, Gantiwarno District, Klaten, Central Java .