View Full Version : Mangunan Pine Forest of Bantul

31-03-2016, 16:07
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-lX8MzJLpVA4/VkTLWWtoLUI/AAAAAAAAAVQ/g5jgn5fLVUc/s1600/Jalan%2BMenuju%2BHutan%2BPinus%2BImogiri%2BBantul% 2BJogjakarta.jpg

Mangunan Pine Forest which is located at Dlingo village, Mangunan, Bantul regency of Yogyakarta. The distance is 25 kilometers from the city center of Yogyakarta. To go there, you can use land transportation. If you like challenge, you can ride bicycle to the forest. The path which will be passed, is quite challenging, because the path is twisty and hilly. Arriving at the location, you do not need to pay a ticket. You only pay parking fee. Mangunan pine forest is part of forest management Resort of Mangunan which is grown with Merkusii pine. Not only pine tree, this forest is also covered by other trees such asmahogany, acacia, walnut and eucalyptus. Now, Mangunan area does not only function as protected forest but also as tourism destination. Aroma of typical pine will be smelled when entering the forest. Rows of pine trees which stand strongly, become the main attraction of this forest. No wonder, if the forest becomes one of favorite spots to make pictures. Not only tourists who take beautiful picture, but also a couple who wants to get married, makes this place as their pre-wedding photograps. After being satisfied to make pictures at Mangunan pine forest, please do not forget to visit Bengkuang spring which is believed as meditation place of Sultan Agung Hanyakrakusuma, the king of Mataram. The spring which is visited by many pilgrims, was built by the Dutch governmet in 1925 until 1930. To go to Bengkuang spring, you can walk from parking space and penetrate forest, following outbond Watu line or circular path which is farther and accessed by riding motorcycle and bicycle. If you go to Mangunan pine forest, please keep the cleanliness and preservation of this forest.
