02-03-2016, 16:03
One of potential tourism in Sebatik Island of Nunukan District, North Kalimantan is Batu Lamampu Beach, facing directly into the Ambalat, Sebatik a myriad of stories about the relationship between Indonesia and Malaysia. The name of Batu Lamampu Beach derives from Tidung tribe which means stone arise tiered towards the sea. Uniquely, there is a row of rocks on Batu Lamampu Beach are floating. The rocks lined up on the beach to the open sea. The position unmoved, never changed despite the float. Besides the float stone, Batu Lamampu Beach also has another uniqueness, the rock breakwater that juts out to the sea. It surrounded by plants and small stones that seemed laid out, but all is a natural process that happens by itself.
In the end, the part that leads to the land, there on the rock hill. On the peak of hill, there is a huge rock that looks apart from the surrounding rock. The stone has a diameter about 1 meter. Said by local community, the stone was used to small. Growing bigger and bigger until as now. Once someone was about to drop the stone, but he did not succeed, even died three days later. Beyond the myths, Batu Lamampu Beach is attractive beaches with sand, the calm waves as well as background waving palm trees.Various activities can be find by traveled in Batu Lamampu Beach. Ranging from burning fish, just took the scenic white sand, and there is also the visitors can swimming at the beach.
How To Get There:
From other airport in Indonesia regions :
depart to Sepinggan Airport - Balikpapan.
From Balikpapan to Nunukan via Tarakan:
Option 01:
By Air : Balikpapan-Tarakan-Nunukan.
Option 02:
From Balikpapan to Juwata Airport - Tarakan.
From Juwata Airport to Tarakan Harbour by taxi.
From Tarakan Harbour to Nunukan Harbour by speed boat.
From Nunukan to Sebatik:
by longboat from Yamaker (Nunukan area) to Bambangan (sebatik)
From Bambangan you can start to explore Batu Lamampu and other area, like Aji Kuning the borderland village, Sungai Lappeo waterfall, and Bukit Menangis.
Visiting Batu Lamampu and Sebatik could be a fascinating adventure.
One of potential tourism in Sebatik Island of Nunukan District, North Kalimantan is Batu Lamampu Beach, facing directly into the Ambalat, Sebatik a myriad of stories about the relationship between Indonesia and Malaysia. The name of Batu Lamampu Beach derives from Tidung tribe which means stone arise tiered towards the sea. Uniquely, there is a row of rocks on Batu Lamampu Beach are floating. The rocks lined up on the beach to the open sea. The position unmoved, never changed despite the float. Besides the float stone, Batu Lamampu Beach also has another uniqueness, the rock breakwater that juts out to the sea. It surrounded by plants and small stones that seemed laid out, but all is a natural process that happens by itself.
In the end, the part that leads to the land, there on the rock hill. On the peak of hill, there is a huge rock that looks apart from the surrounding rock. The stone has a diameter about 1 meter. Said by local community, the stone was used to small. Growing bigger and bigger until as now. Once someone was about to drop the stone, but he did not succeed, even died three days later. Beyond the myths, Batu Lamampu Beach is attractive beaches with sand, the calm waves as well as background waving palm trees.Various activities can be find by traveled in Batu Lamampu Beach. Ranging from burning fish, just took the scenic white sand, and there is also the visitors can swimming at the beach.
How To Get There:
From other airport in Indonesia regions :
depart to Sepinggan Airport - Balikpapan.
From Balikpapan to Nunukan via Tarakan:
Option 01:
By Air : Balikpapan-Tarakan-Nunukan.
Option 02:
From Balikpapan to Juwata Airport - Tarakan.
From Juwata Airport to Tarakan Harbour by taxi.
From Tarakan Harbour to Nunukan Harbour by speed boat.
From Nunukan to Sebatik:
by longboat from Yamaker (Nunukan area) to Bambangan (sebatik)
From Bambangan you can start to explore Batu Lamampu and other area, like Aji Kuning the borderland village, Sungai Lappeo waterfall, and Bukit Menangis.
Visiting Batu Lamampu and Sebatik could be a fascinating adventure.