02-03-2016, 14:35
Agro Tawon Rimba Raya is located in District Lawang Malang. Here, we can learn about the cultivation of bees, which is including the lifestyle, way of beekeeping, harvesting honey, and others. When visiting Agro Tawon Rimba Raya, we can buy various types of, such as bottled honey, honey in the hive, royal jelly and bee pollen. We can ask the assistance from the farmer and they will give you the best suggestion.
Agro Tawon Rimba Raya is located in District Lawang Malang. Here, we can learn about the cultivation of bees, which is including the lifestyle, way of beekeeping, harvesting honey, and others. When visiting Agro Tawon Rimba Raya, we can buy various types of, such as bottled honey, honey in the hive, royal jelly and bee pollen. We can ask the assistance from the farmer and they will give you the best suggestion.