17-02-2016, 16:46
Gebang Palace
Gebang Palace is one of historical buildings in Blitar, that related to the first Indonesian President of Soekarno. This is a house that became the main home during Soekarno’s childhood and school break. Gebang Palce is located at Jl. Sultan Agung No. 57, 59 and 61, Gerit Bendo village, Sanan Wetan District.
After the dead of Soekarno, the house is not open to the public, because it is managed by the heirs or relatives over Bung Karno. However, since the government of Blitar and East Java provincial government took over the house by bought it from Mrs. Soekarmini Wardoyo (Soekarno’s relative) for Rp. 35 Billion, then Gebang Palace is now open for public.
Along with Bung Karno's grave that always been visited by the pilgrims, this Gebang Palace becomes a place of pilgrimage that must be visited when it comes to Blitar.
Gebang Palace is open to the public from 07.00 am. This building is lies on 2.4 hectares. Inside the building, will we find some antique furnitures from Bung Karno’s family heritage, like, beds, living sets, old-fashioned typewriter, old-fashioned radio and telephone, as well as many other things details. The palace is well preserved even the furniture is can be used until today. The building on Gebang palace consists of 9 houses; which consists of one main house, 1 house for art galleries and Pray, 1 house for the kitchen, garage, dining room and bathroom, and 1 more for the caretaker of the palace.
Gebang Palace also features one house to guard the horses as well as a car driver, one house for a granary, one house for the stables. The stables are now becomes the home for the guards (paspampres) and their bathrooms. In addition, there is one pavilion housing units that were once used as a boarding house for school children as well as one special home for a family or relatives that give visit.
At the very front of the building, there is a statue of the Proclamator. The statue was made in 1970 by Dukut Hendronoto as private collections, but in 2012, this statue donated to the City of Blitar.
Gebang Palace is one of historical buildings in Blitar, that related to the first Indonesian President of Soekarno. This is a house that became the main home during Soekarno’s childhood and school break. Gebang Palce is located at Jl. Sultan Agung No. 57, 59 and 61, Gerit Bendo village, Sanan Wetan District.
After the dead of Soekarno, the house is not open to the public, because it is managed by the heirs or relatives over Bung Karno. However, since the government of Blitar and East Java provincial government took over the house by bought it from Mrs. Soekarmini Wardoyo (Soekarno’s relative) for Rp. 35 Billion, then Gebang Palace is now open for public.
Along with Bung Karno's grave that always been visited by the pilgrims, this Gebang Palace becomes a place of pilgrimage that must be visited when it comes to Blitar.
Gebang Palace is open to the public from 07.00 am. This building is lies on 2.4 hectares. Inside the building, will we find some antique furnitures from Bung Karno’s family heritage, like, beds, living sets, old-fashioned typewriter, old-fashioned radio and telephone, as well as many other things details. The palace is well preserved even the furniture is can be used until today. The building on Gebang palace consists of 9 houses; which consists of one main house, 1 house for art galleries and Pray, 1 house for the kitchen, garage, dining room and bathroom, and 1 more for the caretaker of the palace.
Gebang Palace also features one house to guard the horses as well as a car driver, one house for a granary, one house for the stables. The stables are now becomes the home for the guards (paspampres) and their bathrooms. In addition, there is one pavilion housing units that were once used as a boarding house for school children as well as one special home for a family or relatives that give visit.
At the very front of the building, there is a statue of the Proclamator. The statue was made in 1970 by Dukut Hendronoto as private collections, but in 2012, this statue donated to the City of Blitar.