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View Full Version : The Beauty Nature Enu Beach Donggala

15-02-2016, 13:15

The charm of the beach as a tourist spot in Palu City, the sea always gives charm to the eye. Somehow, looking at it brought coolness to caution the visitors. The blue of the calm, waves chasing each other as if to form a beautiful tone when heard. Talking about the sea, Palu City is very famous for its beautiful beaches. For tourists who want to visit Palu City, not complete if you have not been to some of the beaches that offers unmatched beauty. Enu Beach is one of the charm beach that is around Palu City.

Enu beach is located in the North of Palu city, exactly at Enu village, Sindue sub-district, Donggala Regency, Central Sulawesi. Enu village is located at the Northern coast of Central Sulawesi. Central Sulawesi people also call the beach with the West beach.

Enu beach is still dense with tropical trees and mountains as the background and also many stones surrounding the beach. The beach directly faces another tourism object, Karang bay. Enu beach has beautiful sea park, caves, soft coral, place which is home of various kinds of fish, etc. This beach is suitable for snorkeling, wind surfing and diving. Visitors can rent snorkeling and diving equipments at the beach. The beach is still clean, beautiful, peaceful and comfortable. When walking at the beach, visitors will be presented with the beauty of beach with white and clean sand as well as rocks along the beach. Enu beach really presents the beauty of nature which can soothe the soul. The vast sea has clear water, so that the fish which are swimming can be seen clearly. It makes the scenery more amazing.

Enu Beach is located around 40 Km from Palu city. If you want to enjoy the scenery of Enu beach, you can drive your own car or use public transportation. It takes around 45 minutes. Along the trip, you will see beautiful scenery at the left and mountains at the right. Wind breeze of the coast will give freshness when the sun shines. The village which is still green and traditional will spoil the visitors’ eyes.

If you have a vacation at Enu beach but you forget to bring your own food, you do not have to worry because at this beach, there are many stalls which sell local culinary. And don’t worry about the price, because it is affordable.

21-06-2016, 17:15

https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e35/11410609_450723181795971_315807961_n.jpg?ig_cache_ key=MTA5NDA1ODEyNTczNzM0OTYwOQ%3D%3D.2

https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e35/12145305_148457658839246_1009020708_n.jpg?ig_cache _key=MTA5NDA1NzExMjE5MjE3NjU5Nw%3D%3D.2
