View Full Version : Kambing Island, Pristine Beauty Beach - Bira

04-02-2016, 17:54

Kambing or Goat Islands welcome visitors to step in their pristine environment. There are several boats along the coast that are more than willing to take you to the islands. The seas off Tanjung Bira and around Selayar are also ideal for diving.

Around Bira are fringing reefs, but most outstanding by far are the sheer walls at Kambing island, where a stark slab of rock rises out of the ocean between Bira and Selayar. Here the coral cover and schools of fish offer fantastic underwater scenes.

The snorkeling around Bira itself is on nice fringing reefs, but most outstanding by far are the Sheer walls of Kambing island, a stark slab of rock rising out of the ocean between Bira and Selayar Island, where the coral cover and fish life are fantastic.

The best diving spot is Kambing Island (Kambing is a Goat in English). If you are lucky, you can see shark around Kambing Island. Same like how to get Liukang Loe Island, you can rent a boat from west side of Tanjung Bira Beach

18-02-2016, 17:44
http://www.indonesiakaya.com/assets/imagesweb/_images_gallery/Biru_dan_jernihnya_air_laut_di_perairan_Pulau_Kamb ing.jpg

http://www.indonesiakaya.com/assets/imagesweb/_images_gallery/Air_sebening_Kristal_di_Pulau_Kambing_Tanjung_Bira .jpg