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View Full Version : Dieng Plateu, Where Everything is Majestic, Banjarnegara - Central Java

04-02-2016, 10:36
Dataran Tinggi Dieng or Dieng Plateau is lay in between Banjarnegara and Wonosobo regency, Central Java. This plateau is located in west side of Sindoro and Sumbang Mountain.

Administratively, Dieng is located in Dieng Kulon village, Batur sub district, Banjarnegara regency and Kejajar sub district, Wonosobo regency. This area is one of the most remote area in Central Java. The height of this area is 2093 m above sea level, and the temperature is 15°C on the day and 10°C in the night.

Dieng Plateau is a marshy plateau that forms the floor of a caldera complex on the Dieng active volcano complex. The name "Dieng" comes from Di Hyang which means "Abode of the Gods". Its misty location and its mists, poisonous effusions and sulphur-coloured lakes make it a particularly auspicious place for religious tribute.

On dry season, the temperature could be extremely dropped to under 0°C. This low temperature could freeze the morning dew. To the Dieng's farmers, these frozen dew that they called upas dew are so un-friendly because they could endanger the potatoes and cabbages vegetation.

Dieng Plateau is famous as the site for eight small Hindu temples from the 7th and 8th centuries, the oldest Hindu temples in Central Java, and the first known standing stone structures in Java.

In addition to the crater, there are volcanic lakes that contain water mixed with sulfur that has distinctive yellow-green color. Moreover, the exotic of Ijen Plateau is like one stop tourism objects into one place, because there are lakes, crater, cave, ancient temples and well that can be visited once a while.
It majestically beautiful...

04-02-2016, 10:47




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