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View Full Version : Tanjung Karang Beach Palu

12-01-2016, 17:30

Tanjung Karang or it can said Cape Coral. The name of this beach is suitable for the sea with the full of coral reefs. Tanjung Karang Beach is situated in the Palu Bay, near the city of Donggala. The beautiful white beach here is a favorite destinations for residents of Palu.

Tanjung Karang is about 40 kilometers from Palu. The Trans Sulawesi Highway will make the ride go smooth and fast. The Tanjung Karang beach is very beautiful in the evening when you can enjoy the colorful twinkling lights in the distance and of the lighthouse built by the Department of Transportation at the corner of the headland.

Tanjung Karang beach area is not suitable for surfing as the water is a calm and just small waves. For those who want to dive or go snorkeling this area is very suitable because the water is very clear and the Cape is rich in coral reefs. Besides going under water you can you can enjoy the white sand and the open view of the Palu Bay and the Strait of Makassar with large ships going in and out of the Port of Pantoloan and small fishing boats hunting fish in the Palu Bay.


If you are lucky you can see the Karang Island which is located in the Strait of Makassar at a distance of about 11 kilometers from the beach. Coral Island will appear in the middle of the ocean at around 16:00 and will be visible up to several hours.

In this Tanjung Karang Beach provides the facilities of snorkeling equipment; you can just rent it at the beach for only 10,000 IDR. The coral reefs are only about one kilometer from the beach. At the beach you can also go by boat designed specifically to see the coral reef. Cost is only 50,000 IDR per group. The boat route includes Anchor Reef, Natural Reef, Green Wall, Irmis Block, Alex Point and Rocky Point.

In the area you can also find a coral reef formed from the remains of war ships at a depth of 40 meters. It is located about two kilometers south of Tanjung Karang to the Port of Donggala, ask local for the exact locations.