11-01-2016, 16:22
Meru Betiri National Park
Meru Betiri is a national park area that covers mangrove, swamp forest and lowland rain forest in Java, which is located in the administrative region of Jember and Banyuwangi.
To access this national park can be achieved by 2 routes, from Banyuwangi in the east, or through Jember in the west. The routes are:
• Banyuwangi - Jajag - Pesanggaran – Lembu River - Sarongan - Kandangan - Rajegwesi Beach (the gate to national park) - Sumbersuko - Sukamade. Sukamade is a famous beach area as a turtle nesting.
• Jember - Ambulu - Tempurejo - Curahnongko - Andongrejo (the gate to national park) - Bande Alit. Bandealit also a coastal region, where there is a small farm in the middle of the forest.
Meru Betiri forest was originally existed as protected forests, and it decided by Besluit van den Directur van Landbouw Neverheiden Handel on July 29, 1931. In 1967 the area was designated as a candidate Sanctuary and the next period, the area is designated as a Sanctuary Areas of 50,000 Ha.
This national park is the habitat for leatherback turtle, hawksbill, green turtles and turtle Ridel in Sukamade Beach. In the coastal, there are some simple facilities for breeding turtles importances.
Meru Betiri National Park is also inhabited by some rare exotic plants, such as raflesia (Rafflesia zollingeriana), and various other plants such as mangrove (Rhizophora sp.), Api-Api (Avicennia sp.), Hibiscus (Hibiscus tiliaceus), nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum), varnish (Gluta renghas), bungur (Lagerstroemia speciosa), Pulai (Alstonia scholaris), Bendo (Artocarpus elasticus), and several types of herbs.
In addition, there are also 29 species of mammals and 180 species of birds. Some species including bison (Bos javanicus javanicus), long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis), leopard (Panthera pardus), ajag (Cuon alpinus javanicus), cat (Prionailurus bengalensis javanensis), deer (Cervus timorensis russa), flying squirrels Red Tails (Iomys horsfieldii), peacock (Pavo muticus), leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), green turtle (Chelonia mydas), and turtle Ridel (Lepidochelys olivacea).
Meru Betiri is a national park area that covers mangrove, swamp forest and lowland rain forest in Java, which is located in the administrative region of Jember and Banyuwangi.
To access this national park can be achieved by 2 routes, from Banyuwangi in the east, or through Jember in the west. The routes are:
• Banyuwangi - Jajag - Pesanggaran – Lembu River - Sarongan - Kandangan - Rajegwesi Beach (the gate to national park) - Sumbersuko - Sukamade. Sukamade is a famous beach area as a turtle nesting.
• Jember - Ambulu - Tempurejo - Curahnongko - Andongrejo (the gate to national park) - Bande Alit. Bandealit also a coastal region, where there is a small farm in the middle of the forest.
Meru Betiri forest was originally existed as protected forests, and it decided by Besluit van den Directur van Landbouw Neverheiden Handel on July 29, 1931. In 1967 the area was designated as a candidate Sanctuary and the next period, the area is designated as a Sanctuary Areas of 50,000 Ha.
This national park is the habitat for leatherback turtle, hawksbill, green turtles and turtle Ridel in Sukamade Beach. In the coastal, there are some simple facilities for breeding turtles importances.
Meru Betiri National Park is also inhabited by some rare exotic plants, such as raflesia (Rafflesia zollingeriana), and various other plants such as mangrove (Rhizophora sp.), Api-Api (Avicennia sp.), Hibiscus (Hibiscus tiliaceus), nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum), varnish (Gluta renghas), bungur (Lagerstroemia speciosa), Pulai (Alstonia scholaris), Bendo (Artocarpus elasticus), and several types of herbs.
In addition, there are also 29 species of mammals and 180 species of birds. Some species including bison (Bos javanicus javanicus), long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis), leopard (Panthera pardus), ajag (Cuon alpinus javanicus), cat (Prionailurus bengalensis javanensis), deer (Cervus timorensis russa), flying squirrels Red Tails (Iomys horsfieldii), peacock (Pavo muticus), leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), green turtle (Chelonia mydas), and turtle Ridel (Lepidochelys olivacea).