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View Full Version : Curug SiBedil, Untouched Beauty Waterfall in Pemalang

10-12-2015, 16:45
Pemalang Regency potentially infinite nature. In the south lay the beautiful beaches of black sand. While in the north, there are green hills, ponds, and lush and beautiful waterfalls. So far, the famous tourist attraction in Pemalang only beach with thistle as symbols. But actually there are a lot of beautiful waterfalls on the south side which has not been widely known to the public.


One of the famous waterfalls in Pemalang is Curug Sibedil located in Karangbulu hamlet, Sima village, Moga district. From downtown Pemalang, Curug or named waterfall is located about 35 km. The travel time between 25-35 minutes by public transportation.


‘Curug’ or ‘Jurug’ is Java language which means Waterfall. With a height of 20 meters and showers with plenty of water overflow, Curug Sibedil offers views of the beautifully refreshing. Gurgling sound of water touching the rock in the pond, plus green trees in the vicinity of the waterfall really be the right destination for relaxation.