View Full Version : Gempol Pleret, the Traditional Drink From Jepara - Central Java

07-12-2015, 11:58
http://www.indonesiakaya.com/assets/imagesweb/_images_gallery/1._Minuman_tradisional_gempol_pleret_banyak_kita_j umpai_di_kawasan_Kota_Jepara,_Jawa_Tengah_.jpg

Gempol Pleret is the traditional drink from Jepara City, Central Java. Usually this one drink is served cold. Pink on Pleret in serving drinks is so tempting anyone to try freshness. Do not miss to try this drink when you are in the city nicknamed of Kartini City.

Gempol Pleret is the main ingredients are finely ground rice. After becoming a rice flour, then stirred with a little water so that it becomes dough. After the dough, then to gempol formed into round while Pleret formed flat and pink. Two different forms of dough is then into a drink named Gempol Pleret. The dish more delicious with a mix of syrup, coconut milk and iced.

Gempol Pleret presented in a bowl. One bowl Gempol Pleret so fresh to be enjoyed. Gempol texture soft and elastic texture Pleret combined with the sweetness of the syrup and coconut milk and ice to make a guarantee of freshness for those who enjoy it.

http://www.indonesiakaya.com/assets/imagesweb/_images_gallery/2._Biasanya_gempol_pleret_disajikan_dalam_keadaan_ dingin_.jpg

http://www.indonesiakaya.com/assets/imagesweb/_images_gallery/3._Warna_merah_muda_pada_pleret_di_sajian_minuman_ ini_begitu_menggoda_siapa_saja_untuk_mencoba_keseg arannya_.jpg

Images source: www.indonesiakaya.com