View Full Version : Curup Maung, Wonderful Beauty Waterfall in Lahat - Pagaralam

24-06-2015, 15:31

Curup Maung (Maung waterfall) is a waterfall that has wonderful beauty because of its location at the edge of the rocks and foliage that makes the scene more enchanting. Shower water is divided interrupted gorge walls and grass. The natural beauty is located on the border between Pagaralam City and Lahat regency. To reach Curup Maung the visitors can pass through two paths that traverse Mingkik hamlet towards Atung Bungsu harbor, Pagaralam city the road conditions have been initiated.

In addition, it can also pass through the Tebat Pesok Transmigration area, Gumay Ulu district, Lahat regency. For vehicles can not be directly to the banks of Curup Maung because they still have to walk down the cliff. It's known, this waterfall newly discovered and still in the development stage.

Head of Culture and Tourism of Pagaralam said Maung Curup is new discovery adds to the list of attractions waterfall in the city of Pagaralam. For this reason, tourists who visit Pagaralam city will be treated to the natural beauty that is still beautiful and natural.

For South Sumatra, Pagaralam city is the most attractive area for vacation with family or friends. Even it as the completely tourism here. Moreover, for in the area of Mount Dempo had many tourist waterfalls that can be enjoyed like a waterfall Cughup Embun, Cughup Mangkok, Cughup Tujuh Kenangan and many more.