View Full Version : Pande Village Site (Kampung Pande), Islamic Archeological Sites in Aceh

21-05-2015, 16:59
The site of Pande village located in the sub-district of Kuta Raja Banda Aceh municipality is one of the old Islamic archaeological sites in Aceh. In this site it is found many relics of the former Islamic empire like tombstones with various types, ancient ceramics, currency and others. Some research indicate that Kampung Pande (Pande Village) was a strategic area and was the center of governance, trade and other activities of the Kingdom of Indra Purba which was originally centered in Lamuri (its previous word ‘Lamreh’), a village in Aceh Besar of sub-district Krueng Raya. The displacement of the center of the kingdom of Lamuri to Kampung Pande has a historical background and considerations that need more in-depth further studies. According to historical records, the kingdom of Indra Purba was founded about 2000 years BC. In its development, the Kingdom had experienced ups and downs, including several attacks from other kingdoms such as China, Sriwijaya, Chola, Portuguese and others (Hasjmy, 1983:55). Some chroniclers mention that Lamuri derived from Lam Uriek, an area in the region of Lamkrak, Aceh Besar. But in terms of geographical and archaeological evidences, the word of Lamuri originally derived from the word Lamreh, which was located around Krueng Raya Aceh Besar.

The kingdom of Indra Purba (Lamuri) was originally a Hindu kingdom, and then it became an Islamic kingdom which in its development it placed Kampung Pande as the capital of the kingdom. Hasjmy mentioned that the transitional status of the kingdom of Indra Purba, from Hindu to Islam conducted at the inauguration ceremony of the kingdom Darussalam gathering by Muslims Indra Purba on Friday of Ramadan Month 601 H (1205 AD). Meurah Johan was crowned as the first king who titled as Sultan Alaiddin Johan Syah.

As the capital of the kingdom, Pande village was functioning as the center of government administration as well as a trading town and a place for making a variety of crafts. The meaning of Pande village is pandai/smart. This meaning is closely associated with intelligent people who lived in Pande village, such as masons, carpenters, blacksmiths, goldsmiths and others.