View Full Version : Crocodile Makroman Breeding in Samarinda - East Kalimantan

20-04-2015, 10:16

Atas Island is one of the village name which is administratively in the government of Samarinda, East Kalimantan. Exactly in Palaran district approximately 6 km from Samarinda. The interesting thing from Atas island is where crocodiles are breed in captivity Makroman. The crocodiles breed in captivity to be taken of products resulting from the various organs of the crocodile. This crocodile breeding places have been in complete tourist facilities and infrastructure.


There are many crocodiles that can be encountered when you visit this crocodile Makroman breeding. In this cultivation is not only one kind of crocodile, but some types of crocodiles as well. In total there are 3 types of crocodiles that currently found in Makroman. The crocodile type Siamese crocodiles, Estuarine crocodiles, and sepit crocodiles. All types of crocodiles breed here, crocodile species that can be found in rivers of East Kalimantan and also other regions in Indonesia.