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View Full Version : Pasir Kuning Beach, Bangka & Belitung - Indonesia

03-10-2011, 12:53
In outline, the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands consist of two large islands, namely Bangka and Belitung. The rest are also many islands - small islands in the west (bordering the strait Karimata / Borneo), the northern part bordering the province of Riau Islands (Batam and surrounding areas), also a small island in Bangka Strait between the islands of Bangka and Sumatra (Palembang).

In general, white sandy beaches in the Pacific and smooth but there are also golden yellow like a grain of rice. Yellow sand beach is known for its uniqueness in Tempilang yellow sand beach, West Bangka.

Tempilang area is the only area in West Bangka Bangka Belitung province that has a uniqueness, namely the yellow sandy beach. This beach is located at Village West Bangka Regency Tempilang approximately 70 km from City Pangkalpinang. Golden yellow sand becomes the main attraction for tourists visiting this beach.

With views of the beach rocks located in the corner, we can enjoy beautiful natural scenery. What's interesting about this place is no tradition of these unique coastal communities, each before the month of Ramadan. Yellow Sand beaches visited by many tourists at home and abroad to witness the traditional ritual of the Feast of the People's War Ketupat.

The distance from the capital of Bangka Regency West (Mentor) to a location about 36 km. Visitors are advised to use private vehicles for public transport to the village and the location of the ceremony is very rare. Visitors also have to be careful because a lot of holes in the road dust flying in the street if the weather is hot. Because of the lack of good roads, access to the site takes about 25 minutes travel time. In and around this coastal village, visitors can also easily find lodging, restaurants and eating houses.

Ketupat War is one of the ritual ceremonies Yellow Sand Beach, Tempilang, West Bangka. This ceremony is intended to feed the spirits believed to reside in the mainland. According to the shaman, the spirits were good temper and become village guards Tempilang from evil spirits. Therefore, they should be fed in order to keep being nice to the villagers.

No one knows exactly when the tradition began. However, according to folklore, the tradition was already there when Krakatoa erupted in 1883. There are also the states, these activities have been undertaken since the days of Portuguese colonization. What is clear is constantly held ceremonies for generations until now. kps,ins

Source: surabayapost.co.id

photo: visitbangkabelitung.com