View Full Version : Tanjung Ular Beach: Best Beach Family Tourism in Bangka & Belitung - Indonesia

03-10-2011, 12:47
Tanjung Ular Beach is a pretty famous coastal in Mentok, West Bangka. The beach located about 12 km from the city of Mentok through several malay villages and chinese villages. This beach is called Tanjung ular because yore there are many snakes in that place and the road to the beach is also shaped like a snake.

Tanjung Ular beach, best beach family tourism. Along the way from Mentok to the shore, we will be presented the beautiful verdant scenery of Menumbing hills. This hill is very popular in the province of Bangka Belitung, because at the top of Menumbing Hills is a place where the first president of Indonesia Ir Soekarno been exiled by the Dutch. Believe me, Starting from the beginning of this journey, we have presented a broad view of the blue ocean. The road to the beach is a new paved so the trip becomes comfortable.

Tanjung Ular Beach is beach which visited by many people of the city on weekends besides to Tanjung Kalian Beach. At Tanjung Ular Beach you will see the lighthouse Same with Tanjung Kalian Beach, But the lighthouse on the Tanjung Ular Beach is smaller and made of iron frame with a mini lighthouse same with Tanjung Berikat Beach mini lighthouse (Lubuk Besar – Central Bangka) and Lampu Island mini lighthouse (Penyusuk Beach, Belinyu – Bangka).

There’s a bases of Fishermen snuggle their boat beside of lighthouse. Largely a fisherman in this area from the chinese. On the left side before crossing the Menumbing Hill, there is a large stone shaped like shells and big like a house. The people there call it the Balai Rock. Stones are considered sacred, it’s also often used as a place of prayer for Bangka Chinese and migrants.

Tanjung Ular Beach such as typical beaches in the West Bangka have the color of sand that looked a bit yellow when compared to the beach located in other areas. The beach is sandy yellowish white with red-colored rocks are slippery and artistic variety. Unlike the beaches in other areas which are granite. Tanjung Ular Beach are very long and quite gently sloping beaches.

is perfect for weekend trips family vacation with the beauty of coral reefs, This Beach provides tremendous appeal for the Beach Lover

Source: tourbangka.com

photo: ubb.ac.id