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View Full Version : Puncak Lawang, Agam - West Sumatra - Indonesia

23-09-2011, 16:48
Cool breeze hitting your body as it moved toward the top of Lawang. At the peak of ± 1210 m altitude above sea level, we can enjoy the beauty of the area of ​​Lake Maninjau and Samudra Indonesia. Not surprisingly, this place since the Dutch colonial era has become the choice of rest of the bangasawan Netherlands. From Puncak Lawang, we can enjoy the spectacular views. Blue sky blends with the blue sea.

As he floated freely in the air before landing on Bayur, the banks of Lake Maninjau, from the air that we can enjoy the beauty of Lake Maninjau second to none in this world. Yet another beauty will be obtained when calmly and looking at Lake Maninjau long vigil of the peak alone.

At the peak of Lawang, should we not just enjoy nature and do paragliding, but we also have to try a sugar cane (saka) typical Lawang. Saka Lawang is famous for its natural sweetness. Not infrequently, taking the tourists who visit Saka Lawang wrapping some to take home. Puncak Lawang Sakanya famous because there nearly the whole area filled with deliberately planted cane rods for a living. And the taste of sugar is very good compared to other areas of sugar cane. For those who love a challenge and cross country, we can walk to Lake Maninjau slope.

Or they can be protected through the woods toward the Morning Dew. The atmosphere and beauty of the Morning Dew is not lost when looking at the beauty in Puncak Lawang. If we want to linger to enjoy the Lake Maninjau or want to enjoy the Panorama Morning Dew, do not forget to stop in Market Matur, to buy Nuts Matur rendang is tasty beans to accompany your trip later. Morning Dew attractions, located not far from Lake Maninjau and attractions are also located at an altitude of about ± 1000 M above sea level. Being in the Morning Dew on gives you the freedom to cast a view to enjoy the beauty of its surroundings. From here, you can also enjoy the charm of Lake Maninjau attraction from the other side. Various support facilities are also available in Maninjau, one Hotel Maninjau.

If we want to go down to Lake Maninjau of Morning Dew, we may use private vehicles or public buses. The journey to get there will require that we pass through the region Curved Ampek Puluah Ampek. Towards to below, we will find a wide assortment of souvenirs such as hats of woven pandanus, bags kampia, collection necklace, bracelet of bone and ivy gourd fruit that can be used as medicinal as well as snacks. The area is named Curved Ampek Puluah Ampek, in the Indonesian language bend 44, because before we arrive at Lake Maninjau, we will go through sharp turns as much as 44 times. At each corner is sharp, it is always marked how many corners we passed, and all the twists it amounted to 44 pieces.

Once you reach the bottom, then you will be greeted by a junction. When you turn left, then you can go visit the birth house in Sungai Batang Buya Hamka, precisely in Kampung Pauh Muaro. In a modest house in 1908 or 1325 Hijri Hamka born therein. Now the historic building that has been placed as a house museum Buya Hamka birth. When you turn right, you can go to Lubuk cone, Agam regency capital. The journey to the summit of Lawang one trip we ought to do, because it is not only a sensation of attraction, but other sensations also will be created. Make sure you join this trip. (Mahardikawati-field today)

Source: sumbarprov.go.id


01-10-2011, 08:13