09-07-2012, 11:24
This tourism object is located at Jatiarjo village Prigen distric. This natural preserve is the branch of Cisarua - Bogor natural preserve. As the natural wild life, preserve Taman Safari Indonesia collects various wild animals. This wildlife preserve is 295 hectares, the wild animal such as : lion tiger, wild buffalo, komodo, rhinaceros, bison that live in open area. Lies at the slope of Mt. Arjuno 800 – 1.500-meter sea level cover 340 ha and divided three zones. Wild life zone, place for visitor observing a natural wild life.
Attraction zone for performing education through entertainment attractions. Each Sunday we can see that circus of Taman Safari Indonesia Jl. Prigen. Baby zoo zone place for visitor to getting photos and closing to the baby animals.
source: www.eastjava.com
Photo by: violashop.weebly.com
Photo by: bangrudy.blogspot.com
http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Taman+Safari+Pandaan,+prigen,+East+Java,+In donesia&hl=en&ll=-7.759109,112.666276&spn=0.014628,0.022638&sll=-7.767847,112.701445&sspn=0.029255,0.045276&t=h&hq=Taman+Safari+Pandaan,&hnear=Prigen,+Pasuruan,+East+Java,+Indonesia&z=16
Attraction zone for performing education through entertainment attractions. Each Sunday we can see that circus of Taman Safari Indonesia Jl. Prigen. Baby zoo zone place for visitor to getting photos and closing to the baby animals.
source: www.eastjava.com
Photo by: violashop.weebly.com
Photo by: bangrudy.blogspot.com
http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Taman+Safari+Pandaan,+prigen,+East+Java,+In donesia&hl=en&ll=-7.759109,112.666276&spn=0.014628,0.022638&sll=-7.767847,112.701445&sspn=0.029255,0.045276&t=h&hq=Taman+Safari+Pandaan,&hnear=Prigen,+Pasuruan,+East+Java,+Indonesia&z=16