04-07-2012, 10:56
Batu Mandi Island
Batu Mandi island is administratively located in Rokan Hilir, Riau and becomes the outer island in Indonesia that directly bordered with Malaka Strait, Malaysia.
Pulau Batu Mandi is part of a cluster of Arwah islands or Spirit Island comprising ninesmall islands. The island is a black stone that is not too high and there is a guard office at the top. The conditions of Batumandi Island is also typical of refreshing, clean and it has normal wave. This is because the wind is blowing from the West, which no barrier to this island.
Batu Mandi island, Jemur Island and some other islands around is having a magnificent sightseeing and naturally virgin, like white sandy beach and clear blue sky. This island is also becomes the home of reserve and turtle breeding.
Batu Mandi Island
Batu Mandi island is administratively located in Rokan Hilir, Riau and becomes the outer island in Indonesia that directly bordered with Malaka Strait, Malaysia.
Pulau Batu Mandi is part of a cluster of Arwah islands or Spirit Island comprising ninesmall islands. The island is a black stone that is not too high and there is a guard office at the top. The conditions of Batumandi Island is also typical of refreshing, clean and it has normal wave. This is because the wind is blowing from the West, which no barrier to this island.
Batu Mandi island, Jemur Island and some other islands around is having a magnificent sightseeing and naturally virgin, like white sandy beach and clear blue sky. This island is also becomes the home of reserve and turtle breeding.