20-06-2012, 15:19
Besides case, middle and small industry in Gresik Sub-Province also produces songkok or cap. Two considerably famous songkok products so exits regional Gre-sik even foreign countries, is brand Awing-dikenal as songkok having ber-AC-produksi Group Of Perajin Songkok Trust, and brand UD Sangkar Mas Perajin Song-kok Sangkar Mas production.
Amount of perajin songkok and case in located region around 20 kilometre baratlaut the Surabaya Town, have make Gresik becomes one of sentra songkok production and biggest sa-rung in Indonesia. Of course ill defined, why town coastal area this Java seashore can become songkok town and case. From note of history, second clothes of the sponsor non of case and songkok, but long chasuble with sorban. Clear hanyalah that [crafting/ diligence] of case and songkok itu-kebanyakan of course is industry rumahan-sudah is started by since a period of Dutch colonial, that is around year of 1930-an.
source: http://www.eastjava.com/tourism/gresik
Photo by: surabaya.indonetwork.co.id
Photo by: kiswah.info
Amount of perajin songkok and case in located region around 20 kilometre baratlaut the Surabaya Town, have make Gresik becomes one of sentra songkok production and biggest sa-rung in Indonesia. Of course ill defined, why town coastal area this Java seashore can become songkok town and case. From note of history, second clothes of the sponsor non of case and songkok, but long chasuble with sorban. Clear hanyalah that [crafting/ diligence] of case and songkok itu-kebanyakan of course is industry rumahan-sudah is started by since a period of Dutch colonial, that is around year of 1930-an.
source: http://www.eastjava.com/tourism/gresik
Photo by: surabaya.indonetwork.co.id
Photo by: kiswah.info