02-04-2012, 09:20
Banyuwangi has two kinds of Seblang ceremonies. They are Seblang Oleh Sari and Seblang Bakungan. Seblang Ritual is one of public ritual of Using community that can found in two villages in Glagah district, Banyuwangi, that is Bakungan and Olihsari. This ritual is held for pray and wishfull to the God, in order to get the welfare and secure. This ritual is as same as Sintren ritual in Cirebon area, Jaran Kepang and Sanghyang in Bali Island.
Seblang dance in both villages has different time, in Olihsari village usually held a week after Id Fitr, while in Bakungan held a week after Id Adha. The dancers are chosen by a supernatural man and usually, the dancers must come from the previous dancers. In Olihsari village, the dancers must young girls, while in Bakungan the dancers must women in 50 years old above who get menopause.
This Seblang dance actually is very old tradition, so it difficult to know about its history. But based on a source, the first Seblang dancer is Semi, who is the beginner woman of Gandrung dancer (die in 1973). After she got secure from her disease, then her mother promise (Mak Midah or Mak Milah) must be done, Semi finally became Seblang in her childhood till younger, she was Gandrung dancer.
source: http://www.eastjava.com
http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/196354_1599234663068_1302067002_31289949_4098732_n .jpg
Photo by: canting-puklung.blogspot.com
Photo by: lukmanulhakim.mp
Photo by: bangorejo.blogspot.com
Banyuwangi Map
Seblang Dance Video
Video by: raditulloh
Seblang dance in both villages has different time, in Olihsari village usually held a week after Id Fitr, while in Bakungan held a week after Id Adha. The dancers are chosen by a supernatural man and usually, the dancers must come from the previous dancers. In Olihsari village, the dancers must young girls, while in Bakungan the dancers must women in 50 years old above who get menopause.
This Seblang dance actually is very old tradition, so it difficult to know about its history. But based on a source, the first Seblang dancer is Semi, who is the beginner woman of Gandrung dancer (die in 1973). After she got secure from her disease, then her mother promise (Mak Midah or Mak Milah) must be done, Semi finally became Seblang in her childhood till younger, she was Gandrung dancer.
source: http://www.eastjava.com
http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/196354_1599234663068_1302067002_31289949_4098732_n .jpg
Photo by: canting-puklung.blogspot.com
Photo by: lukmanulhakim.mp
Photo by: bangorejo.blogspot.com
Banyuwangi Map
Seblang Dance Video
Video by: raditulloh