08-03-2012, 17:15
Discussed about Papua it seems had not the end. The pretty exotic island that located on the end East of Indonesia had the attraction of extraordinary nature. For example, mentioned the underwater tour attraction of King Ampat Waters. This region had more than 1.070 species kinds of fish, 600 species kinds of coral reef, and 699 mollusk kinds. This matter made this region underwater heaven for the divers. Not only that, the Sentani Lake, Paniai Lake, Jayawijaya Peak, Lorentz National Pak, all of them kept the attraction that will not be enough to be translated through words.
Apart from the territory and the tourist attraction that was mentioned above, still had again the place in Papua that had beauty of nature that was still natural, where that was the Baliem Valley. Was located in the height 1,600 on sea level, were framed the jungle and the river current, as well as was not yet touched by technology, made this region the place that kept millions stories and the incident. In this place, Papua countryside ethnic groups knitted the meaning of their daily life. The countryside ethnic groups were still living in the Honai House, that was male clothed with Koteka and the woman clothed with Noken. Behind all that, these countryside ethnic groups kept the tradition wealth and the typical and unique culture.
Like other ethnic groups in Indonesia, these countryside ethnic groups also had the unique and typical grateful tradition. One of them was the Bakar Batu Party. The Bakar Batu Party was a ritual traditional Papua that was done as the form of the expression of gratitude for the abundant blessing, the marriage, the great guest reception, but also as the death ceremony. Moreover, this ceremony was also carried out as peace proof after the war happening between-ethnic group.
This party was often carried out in the Baliem Valley Region, Wamena Sub district, Jayawijaya District, Papua, Indonesia. However, the assurance of the location point was carried out was uncertain. If as the death ceremony and the marriage, this party will be carried out in the resident's house that had party. However, when this ceremony as the expression of gratitude or the symbol of peace usually is carried out in the middle of the big field.
In accordance with the name, in cooking and processing food for this party, ethnic groups in Papua used the method of burning the stone. Each area and the ethnic group in the Baliem Valley region had the term personally to reconcile words burnt the stone. The Paniai community mentioned it with ‘Gapii‘ or ‘Mogo Gapii‘, the Wamena community mentioned it ‘Kit Oba Isago‘, whereas the Biak community mentioned it with ‘Barapen‘. However apparently Barapen became the most general term to use. Bakar Batu Party also was the site to gather for the resident. In this party will be seen how high is the solidarity and the community's Papua togetherness. The other meaning from this party was as the expression to forgive each other interregional.
Bakar Batu Party procession usually consists of three stages, which is the preparations stage, burns the pig, and eats together. The preparations stage was preceded with the search for firewood and the stone that will be utilized to cook. The stone and firewood were compiled with the place as follows, in the lowest part was organized measuring big stones, above was covered with firewood, afterwards was organized again the rock that his measurement was more small, et cetera until the highest part was covered with wood. Afterwards this heap was burnt until wood was completely burnt and the rock became hot. The men generally do all this.
At the time, respectively the ethnic group handed over the pig. Then in turns the head of the ethnic group bowed the pig. When the pig died at once bow, that was the sign that the agenda will be successful. However when the pig indirectly died, was believed there’s something wrong with the agenda. If that is the death ceremony, usually several relatives of the sorrowful family brought the pig as the symbol of the condolences. If not, they will bring the parcel-contained tobacco, cigarettes, cooking oil, salt, sugar, coffee, and salted fish. Did not forget, when expressing condolences each must embrace tight and kissing the cheek.
In another place, women prepared the foodstuff that will be cooked. The pig is usually divided from the neck underside to the back leg groin. The contents of the stomach and the other part that were not consumed will be issued, while the part that will be cooked was cleaned. Likewise with vegetables and tubers.
The other men prepared a hole that the size be based on food numbers that will be cooked. The hole bottom was afterwards covered indifferently and the bananas leave. By using the special wood clip that was mentioned Apando, the slag cinders were compiled on the foliage. After that was afterwards covered again indifferently. On the tall grass afterwards, pork put into. Afterwards was closed again with the foliage. On this foliage afterwards was closed again with the stone glowed, and was covered again with the thick field.
After that, Hipere (sweet potatoes) was compiled above. The following layer was indifferent that was stockpiled again with the stone glowed. Afterwards vegetables take the form of Iprika or the leaves Hipere, Tirubug (the cassava leaves), Kopae (the paw paws leaves), Naham also (the machete gourd), and Towabug or Hopak (corn) placed above. Be not enough only tubers, sometimes the cooking will be increased with the discount Barugum (fruits). Further the hole was stockpiled again with grass and the stone glowed. Highest was placed the bananas leaves that were sprinkled the land as a holder, so the hot from the stone did not yawn.
Approximately 60 have till 90 cooking minutes been ripe. After ripe, grass will be opened and available food inside began to be issued one by one, afterwards was explained on the field. After food is spread out above, there was the person that will take red ripe. That was squeezed until going out his paste. Paste from red was poured on pork and vegetables. Salt and the flavor the feeling were also spread on the serving.
Now arrived during him for the resident to eat the serving that was ripe. All the inhabitants will cluster surrounded this food. The head of the Ethnic Group will become the first person who accepted the allocation took the form of sweet potatoes and pork. Further all will receive the same allocation, the man, the woman, parents, and children. After that, the inhabitants then began to eat this food. Bakar Batu Party was the agenda that most waited for by the resident of Papua countryside ethnic groups. In order to join this party they were willing to neglect the field and did not work for days. Moreover, they also were prepared to spend money in the number that was big to finance this party.
The geographical Papua condition that most took the form of the forest, hills, as well as mountains, caused access to head the location of the holding was difficult. For tourist who wanted to go to Papua, could use the transport of sea and air. If arriving in Papua, tourist could continue the trip used small aircraft that served the flight to the hinterlands. Moreover And You Too could use the car off-road rented.
Usually, this Bakar Batu Party was carried out in places was isolated, because of that was difficult to get adequate facilities. However, at least in the Wamena City, stood some accommodation that could you rent. For the problem ate tourist might not worry, because in this city also was gotten many restaurants. For the transport, you could use small aircraft that served the flight through to far to the hinterland. Moreover, in the Wamena City also was gotten by the leasing of the wheel vehicle of four. If you did not have relatives or the acquaintance who could guide the tourist, tourist could make use of the available travel agency in the Wamena City.
Apart from the territory and the tourist attraction that was mentioned above, still had again the place in Papua that had beauty of nature that was still natural, where that was the Baliem Valley. Was located in the height 1,600 on sea level, were framed the jungle and the river current, as well as was not yet touched by technology, made this region the place that kept millions stories and the incident. In this place, Papua countryside ethnic groups knitted the meaning of their daily life. The countryside ethnic groups were still living in the Honai House, that was male clothed with Koteka and the woman clothed with Noken. Behind all that, these countryside ethnic groups kept the tradition wealth and the typical and unique culture.
Like other ethnic groups in Indonesia, these countryside ethnic groups also had the unique and typical grateful tradition. One of them was the Bakar Batu Party. The Bakar Batu Party was a ritual traditional Papua that was done as the form of the expression of gratitude for the abundant blessing, the marriage, the great guest reception, but also as the death ceremony. Moreover, this ceremony was also carried out as peace proof after the war happening between-ethnic group.
This party was often carried out in the Baliem Valley Region, Wamena Sub district, Jayawijaya District, Papua, Indonesia. However, the assurance of the location point was carried out was uncertain. If as the death ceremony and the marriage, this party will be carried out in the resident's house that had party. However, when this ceremony as the expression of gratitude or the symbol of peace usually is carried out in the middle of the big field.
In accordance with the name, in cooking and processing food for this party, ethnic groups in Papua used the method of burning the stone. Each area and the ethnic group in the Baliem Valley region had the term personally to reconcile words burnt the stone. The Paniai community mentioned it with ‘Gapii‘ or ‘Mogo Gapii‘, the Wamena community mentioned it ‘Kit Oba Isago‘, whereas the Biak community mentioned it with ‘Barapen‘. However apparently Barapen became the most general term to use. Bakar Batu Party also was the site to gather for the resident. In this party will be seen how high is the solidarity and the community's Papua togetherness. The other meaning from this party was as the expression to forgive each other interregional.
Bakar Batu Party procession usually consists of three stages, which is the preparations stage, burns the pig, and eats together. The preparations stage was preceded with the search for firewood and the stone that will be utilized to cook. The stone and firewood were compiled with the place as follows, in the lowest part was organized measuring big stones, above was covered with firewood, afterwards was organized again the rock that his measurement was more small, et cetera until the highest part was covered with wood. Afterwards this heap was burnt until wood was completely burnt and the rock became hot. The men generally do all this.
At the time, respectively the ethnic group handed over the pig. Then in turns the head of the ethnic group bowed the pig. When the pig died at once bow, that was the sign that the agenda will be successful. However when the pig indirectly died, was believed there’s something wrong with the agenda. If that is the death ceremony, usually several relatives of the sorrowful family brought the pig as the symbol of the condolences. If not, they will bring the parcel-contained tobacco, cigarettes, cooking oil, salt, sugar, coffee, and salted fish. Did not forget, when expressing condolences each must embrace tight and kissing the cheek.
In another place, women prepared the foodstuff that will be cooked. The pig is usually divided from the neck underside to the back leg groin. The contents of the stomach and the other part that were not consumed will be issued, while the part that will be cooked was cleaned. Likewise with vegetables and tubers.
The other men prepared a hole that the size be based on food numbers that will be cooked. The hole bottom was afterwards covered indifferently and the bananas leave. By using the special wood clip that was mentioned Apando, the slag cinders were compiled on the foliage. After that was afterwards covered again indifferently. On the tall grass afterwards, pork put into. Afterwards was closed again with the foliage. On this foliage afterwards was closed again with the stone glowed, and was covered again with the thick field.
After that, Hipere (sweet potatoes) was compiled above. The following layer was indifferent that was stockpiled again with the stone glowed. Afterwards vegetables take the form of Iprika or the leaves Hipere, Tirubug (the cassava leaves), Kopae (the paw paws leaves), Naham also (the machete gourd), and Towabug or Hopak (corn) placed above. Be not enough only tubers, sometimes the cooking will be increased with the discount Barugum (fruits). Further the hole was stockpiled again with grass and the stone glowed. Highest was placed the bananas leaves that were sprinkled the land as a holder, so the hot from the stone did not yawn.
Approximately 60 have till 90 cooking minutes been ripe. After ripe, grass will be opened and available food inside began to be issued one by one, afterwards was explained on the field. After food is spread out above, there was the person that will take red ripe. That was squeezed until going out his paste. Paste from red was poured on pork and vegetables. Salt and the flavor the feeling were also spread on the serving.
Now arrived during him for the resident to eat the serving that was ripe. All the inhabitants will cluster surrounded this food. The head of the Ethnic Group will become the first person who accepted the allocation took the form of sweet potatoes and pork. Further all will receive the same allocation, the man, the woman, parents, and children. After that, the inhabitants then began to eat this food. Bakar Batu Party was the agenda that most waited for by the resident of Papua countryside ethnic groups. In order to join this party they were willing to neglect the field and did not work for days. Moreover, they also were prepared to spend money in the number that was big to finance this party.
The geographical Papua condition that most took the form of the forest, hills, as well as mountains, caused access to head the location of the holding was difficult. For tourist who wanted to go to Papua, could use the transport of sea and air. If arriving in Papua, tourist could continue the trip used small aircraft that served the flight to the hinterlands. Moreover And You Too could use the car off-road rented.
Usually, this Bakar Batu Party was carried out in places was isolated, because of that was difficult to get adequate facilities. However, at least in the Wamena City, stood some accommodation that could you rent. For the problem ate tourist might not worry, because in this city also was gotten many restaurants. For the transport, you could use small aircraft that served the flight through to far to the hinterland. Moreover, in the Wamena City also was gotten by the leasing of the wheel vehicle of four. If you did not have relatives or the acquaintance who could guide the tourist, tourist could make use of the available travel agency in the Wamena City.