View Full Version : Musi River is The Longest River in South Sumatra Province

31-01-2012, 15:44
Musi River is the longest river in South Sumatra Province with a length reaching 750 kilometers. This river is located in the middle and split into two parts of the city of Palembang. The second part was called by ilir on the north side and across the pit in the south.

Keluasannya more visible with nine tributary that empties into the Musi River. Ninth river is River Komering, Rawas, Batanghari, Leko, Lakitan, Kelingi, Lematang, Semangus, and Ogan. This river springs from the area Kepahiang, Bengkulu.

Water tourism is very important for the people of Palembang as the arena of water transport. This situation can be seen from the many boats that brought forth the people who want to cross. In addition, on the banks of the river there is also the Port of New Boom and the Museum of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II.

Thanks to its beauty, this river is not simply a means of transportation but also as a tourist community. Tourists visiting this place usually start arriving in the afternoon until evening to see the beautiful sunset. Keep in mind also a night on the banks of the River Musi to say very beautiful and romantic with the lights on around the river and bridge Ampera. So, do not be surprised if the night of the week or night and any other holiday, tourists who come will be more.

At this location, tourists can see the house raft, which is a typical house of Palembang. And, on certain festive days in the Musi River water festival is usually held, among others, the race boat (bidar), boat decorating contest, and race across the river. To enjoy all, tourists are not charged to enter because of the Musi River is an open area.

Tourists want to spend the night can use lodging services around the object. The rates offered also vary between 0.00-IDR5 Rp250.000 .000.000,00. As for the affairs of the stomach in place are available spots and restaurants with varying prices. If, like around the Musi River, tourists can rent a motor boat at the rate of 50,000 0.00-Rp100 .000,00.

Access is used to achieve the Musi River, which is using terminal services from the city transportation department Sako Kenten Ampera or Pasar 16 Ilir a rate of about Rp1.500 0.00 - Rp5 .000,00. If you want to linger to enjoy the journey, you can use a pedicab Palembang with a rate of about Rp 5,000 0.00 - 10,000, 00 must correspond to the distance traveled.

photos: iwanabdurrahman.net

photos: wisatapalembang.com

photos: adedam.blogspot.com

03-05-2012, 12:01


Video by: wangkaoke