03-01-2012, 11:43
JAMBI Province officially becomea province in 1958 in accordance with Law No.61, 1958, Juni 25. Jambi Provinci is located in an area once known as Andalas Island.
Geographicaly, Jambi Province is located between 0º45' - 2º45' South Latitude and between 101º0'- 104º55' East Longitude consit of 8 Regency and 2 Town with total citizen 2.568.548 persons based on census 2003.
Jambi Province Region covered an area of 53,435.72 Km2 and 185 km long costline. Region boundaries of Jambi Province is as follows:
North, with Riau Province
Southern, With South Sumatera Province
Western, with West Sumater Province
East, with the South China Sea.
Jambi Province with total area of about 5,343,700 hectares consist of 9 regencies and two municipalities. The topography of Jambi Province generally vary from low land areas in the east and hills and mountainous in the west. Mountainous areas are mostly in Kerinci Regency.
The natural resources with wealthy biodiversity are represented in four national parks such as Kerinci Seblat national Park, Berbak National Park, Bukit Dua Belas National Park, and Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park. Each of the national park has own characteristic and typical biodiversity.
From ovember until March are rainy season in Jambi Province and dry season beginning in May until October with average of rainfall 1900-3200 mm/year and average day of rainfall 116-154 day/year.
With tropical climate, the highest rainfall ranges from 2,000 mm to 3,000 mm per year with the highest falls in January. Temperature differences between day and night are small. The highest temperature is 33ºC (91ºF), except in the hilly and mountainous areas, including Kerinci, where it reaches 21ºC (68ºF). Humidity varies from 75% to 90%.
In the age of ancient Melayu, Jambi gained its profit by trading activity between West Asia and China, therefore China becomes the source of informations on Jambi’s historical background.
In 1460-1907, Jambi was in the form of Islamic Kingdom known as Melayu II. The first queen of this kingdom is Princess Selaro Pinang Masak accompanied by her husband named Datuk Paduko Berhalo.
In the reign of Sultan Abdul Kahar, the Dutch colonial established their trading company in Muara Kumpeh. However, it could not survive foreign competitors and the disapproval from the people forced the VOC to shut down the company in 1625.
The tension continued in the reign of Sultan Abdul Jalil. He had to face many obstacles such as the rivalry with Sultan Johor and the pressure from the VOC since he gave trading license to The Portuquese in Batanghari river. Eventually, under pressure, he had to approve treaty of cooperation with the VOC signed by his son, Pangeran Ratu Raden Penulis who then became his successor entitled Sultan Abdul Mahyu Sri Ingolongo.
Sometime during the period of 1665 – 1690, Sultan Ingolongo was captured by the Dutch and being exiled to Banda Island. The capture triggered people’s action and it came to its peak in the reign of Sultan Thaha (1856 – 1904). By the year of 1907, Jambi fully surrendered to the Dutch colonial.
After proclaiming the Indonesian Independency, the movement community and youth community established Jambi National Community in order to support the government. However, the government’s administration did not work out smoothly because rebellion seethed all over the regions.
In 1948, Sumatra province was divided into three provinces and Jambi became Sumatera Tengah Province.
The government’s administration started to improved since Meja Bundar Conference. In 1958, Sumetera Tengah was divided into three, one of them is Jambi Province.
Before what is now Indonesia was colonized by the Dutch East India Company, Jambi was the site of a well-established, powerful Srivijayan kingdom[citation needed] that engaged in trade throughout the Strait of Malacca and beyond. It succeeded Palembang to the south, which was a frequent military and economic rival, as the later capital of the ancient kingdom. The move to Jambi was partly induced by the historic 1025 raid by pirates from the Chola region of southern India that destroyed much of Palembang.
In the early decades of the Dutch presence in the region, when the future colonizers were just one of several groups of traders competing with the British, Chinese, Arabs, and Malays, the Jambi sultanate profitably traded pepper with the Dutch. This relationship declined by about 1770, and the sultanate had little contact with the Dutch for about sixty years.
In 1833, minor conflicts with the Dutch, who were well established in Palembang, meant the Dutch increasingly felt the need to control the actions of Jambi. They coerced Sultan Facharudin to agree to greater Dutch presence in the region and control over trade, although the sultanate remained nominally independent. In 1858 the Dutch, apparently concerned over the risk of competition for control from other foreign powers, invaded Jambi with a force from Batavia. They met little resistance, and Sultan Taha fled to the upriver, inland regions of Jambi. The Dutch installed a puppet ruler, Nazarudin, in the lower region, which included the capital city. For the next forty years Taha maintained the upriver kingdom, and slowly reextended his influence over the lower regions through political agreements and marriage connections. In 1904, however, the Dutch were stronger and, as a part of a larger campaign to consolidate control over the entire archipelago, soldiers finally managed to capture and kill Taha, and in 1906, the entire area was brought under direct colonial management. (***)
JAMBI Province officially becomea province in 1958 in accordance with Law No.61, 1958, Juni 25. Jambi Provinci is located in an area once known as Andalas Island.
Geographicaly, Jambi Province is located between 0º45' - 2º45' South Latitude and between 101º0'- 104º55' East Longitude consit of 8 Regency and 2 Town with total citizen 2.568.548 persons based on census 2003.
Jambi Province Region covered an area of 53,435.72 Km2 and 185 km long costline. Region boundaries of Jambi Province is as follows:
North, with Riau Province
Southern, With South Sumatera Province
Western, with West Sumater Province
East, with the South China Sea.
Jambi Province with total area of about 5,343,700 hectares consist of 9 regencies and two municipalities. The topography of Jambi Province generally vary from low land areas in the east and hills and mountainous in the west. Mountainous areas are mostly in Kerinci Regency.
The natural resources with wealthy biodiversity are represented in four national parks such as Kerinci Seblat national Park, Berbak National Park, Bukit Dua Belas National Park, and Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park. Each of the national park has own characteristic and typical biodiversity.
From ovember until March are rainy season in Jambi Province and dry season beginning in May until October with average of rainfall 1900-3200 mm/year and average day of rainfall 116-154 day/year.
With tropical climate, the highest rainfall ranges from 2,000 mm to 3,000 mm per year with the highest falls in January. Temperature differences between day and night are small. The highest temperature is 33ºC (91ºF), except in the hilly and mountainous areas, including Kerinci, where it reaches 21ºC (68ºF). Humidity varies from 75% to 90%.
In the age of ancient Melayu, Jambi gained its profit by trading activity between West Asia and China, therefore China becomes the source of informations on Jambi’s historical background.
In 1460-1907, Jambi was in the form of Islamic Kingdom known as Melayu II. The first queen of this kingdom is Princess Selaro Pinang Masak accompanied by her husband named Datuk Paduko Berhalo.
In the reign of Sultan Abdul Kahar, the Dutch colonial established their trading company in Muara Kumpeh. However, it could not survive foreign competitors and the disapproval from the people forced the VOC to shut down the company in 1625.
The tension continued in the reign of Sultan Abdul Jalil. He had to face many obstacles such as the rivalry with Sultan Johor and the pressure from the VOC since he gave trading license to The Portuquese in Batanghari river. Eventually, under pressure, he had to approve treaty of cooperation with the VOC signed by his son, Pangeran Ratu Raden Penulis who then became his successor entitled Sultan Abdul Mahyu Sri Ingolongo.
Sometime during the period of 1665 – 1690, Sultan Ingolongo was captured by the Dutch and being exiled to Banda Island. The capture triggered people’s action and it came to its peak in the reign of Sultan Thaha (1856 – 1904). By the year of 1907, Jambi fully surrendered to the Dutch colonial.
After proclaiming the Indonesian Independency, the movement community and youth community established Jambi National Community in order to support the government. However, the government’s administration did not work out smoothly because rebellion seethed all over the regions.
In 1948, Sumatra province was divided into three provinces and Jambi became Sumatera Tengah Province.
The government’s administration started to improved since Meja Bundar Conference. In 1958, Sumetera Tengah was divided into three, one of them is Jambi Province.
Before what is now Indonesia was colonized by the Dutch East India Company, Jambi was the site of a well-established, powerful Srivijayan kingdom[citation needed] that engaged in trade throughout the Strait of Malacca and beyond. It succeeded Palembang to the south, which was a frequent military and economic rival, as the later capital of the ancient kingdom. The move to Jambi was partly induced by the historic 1025 raid by pirates from the Chola region of southern India that destroyed much of Palembang.
In the early decades of the Dutch presence in the region, when the future colonizers were just one of several groups of traders competing with the British, Chinese, Arabs, and Malays, the Jambi sultanate profitably traded pepper with the Dutch. This relationship declined by about 1770, and the sultanate had little contact with the Dutch for about sixty years.
In 1833, minor conflicts with the Dutch, who were well established in Palembang, meant the Dutch increasingly felt the need to control the actions of Jambi. They coerced Sultan Facharudin to agree to greater Dutch presence in the region and control over trade, although the sultanate remained nominally independent. In 1858 the Dutch, apparently concerned over the risk of competition for control from other foreign powers, invaded Jambi with a force from Batavia. They met little resistance, and Sultan Taha fled to the upriver, inland regions of Jambi. The Dutch installed a puppet ruler, Nazarudin, in the lower region, which included the capital city. For the next forty years Taha maintained the upriver kingdom, and slowly reextended his influence over the lower regions through political agreements and marriage connections. In 1904, however, the Dutch were stronger and, as a part of a larger campaign to consolidate control over the entire archipelago, soldiers finally managed to capture and kill Taha, and in 1906, the entire area was brought under direct colonial management. (***)