02-01-2012, 13:15
When asked what tea lovers the best tea in the world, the answer may vary by mentioning brands like Ty.phoo from england if their answers are pursed again there appears a name of Kayu Aro, Kerinci, Jambi Province.
They will oust Kayu Aro best tea in the world. But do not expect to be able to get tea that the royal families of Europe’s customers in Indonesia, including in Jambi. The best quality or Grade 1 is only sold in Europe, while the products sold in Indonesia, only a mixture of Grade I, II, III.
Manager of the timber plantation Aro, Efendi Usman Batubara, through its PR Department PTPN VI,Production Unit Kayu Aro, Afrizal, said there are several reasons why the quality of Grade 1 was not circulating in Indonesia.
First of course because the price is very high quality of Grade 1, namely 2.89 dollars per kilo, so can not be affordable by most Indonesian people, especially residents Kerinci as the tea-producing region.
Both the lovers in Indonesia is still very low at all, because the drinking culture was inferior compared to the culture of coffee drinking.
“The quality of Grade 1, made from the best bud, It was very thick at the tip of the tongue, while drunk, it felt much longer survive in the mouth. Also the color is very attractive, if inserted into a glass, will look orange. The Grade 1 without pulp and sawdust, the water is really clear and clean, “said Oyung, greeting familiar ofAfrizal.
While the tea quality of Grade II and III, it was certainly very different because the raw material is also distinguished, made from a mixture of leaves and stems, the color is not attractive when compared with first grade quality.
“One brand is packaged in the UK and Brunei, which is the main raw material from Kayu Aro is Ty.Phoo, prices reached a size of 1.8 Pounsterling packaging? 4 kg,” he said.
Just note Ty.phoo is the world’s leading companies from the UK. The company supplies its products to the world of noble families, including the British royal family, Queen Elizabeth II. The company was founded in 1903 by John Jr.
Dutch Royal Family also become a loyal customer of The Kayu Aro, ranging from the generation of Queen Wilhelmina, who ruled when the Dutch colonized Indonesia, until the offspring such as Queen Juliana and Queen Beatrix of the ruling today.
In fact, he said, of Queen Beatrix does not drink, if not the Kayu Aro. The Kayu Aro is also a favorite in Germany and the Soviet Union Countries fractions, and some Arab States
Then what is the advantages of The Kayu Aro?
Oyung said the surplus generated a sense of the Kayu Aro from a height of land that became the place to grow tea, the better the quality. Aro is the timber plantations is the largest expanse of plantations in the world reached 2,624,69 hectares. lowest estates located at an altitude of 1.400m above sea level, and the highest land located at an altitude of 1700m above sea level.
The Kayu Aro Plantation opened in 1925 by a Dutch company that is NV HVA (Namlodse Venotchhaaf Handle Veriniging Amsterdam). The first plantings began in 1929 and the factory Founded in 1932. in one day, the timber plantation Aro average produce 80 tons of wet leaves. “Processing of the Kayu Aro, since the Dutch era that never change, despite hundreds of years old, but the engine was still maintained. This processing is traditionally and without dyes and preservatives, “says Oyung.
In addition, the Kayu Aro plantations provide employment for citizens, namely by employing 1865 employees.
The processing activity lasted for 22 hours, the longest process is the longest process is the process of withering, which takes up to 18 hours, “.
They will oust Kayu Aro best tea in the world. But do not expect to be able to get tea that the royal families of Europe’s customers in Indonesia, including in Jambi. The best quality or Grade 1 is only sold in Europe, while the products sold in Indonesia, only a mixture of Grade I, II, III.
Manager of the timber plantation Aro, Efendi Usman Batubara, through its PR Department PTPN VI,Production Unit Kayu Aro, Afrizal, said there are several reasons why the quality of Grade 1 was not circulating in Indonesia.
First of course because the price is very high quality of Grade 1, namely 2.89 dollars per kilo, so can not be affordable by most Indonesian people, especially residents Kerinci as the tea-producing region.
Both the lovers in Indonesia is still very low at all, because the drinking culture was inferior compared to the culture of coffee drinking.
“The quality of Grade 1, made from the best bud, It was very thick at the tip of the tongue, while drunk, it felt much longer survive in the mouth. Also the color is very attractive, if inserted into a glass, will look orange. The Grade 1 without pulp and sawdust, the water is really clear and clean, “said Oyung, greeting familiar ofAfrizal.
While the tea quality of Grade II and III, it was certainly very different because the raw material is also distinguished, made from a mixture of leaves and stems, the color is not attractive when compared with first grade quality.
“One brand is packaged in the UK and Brunei, which is the main raw material from Kayu Aro is Ty.Phoo, prices reached a size of 1.8 Pounsterling packaging? 4 kg,” he said.
Just note Ty.phoo is the world’s leading companies from the UK. The company supplies its products to the world of noble families, including the British royal family, Queen Elizabeth II. The company was founded in 1903 by John Jr.
Dutch Royal Family also become a loyal customer of The Kayu Aro, ranging from the generation of Queen Wilhelmina, who ruled when the Dutch colonized Indonesia, until the offspring such as Queen Juliana and Queen Beatrix of the ruling today.
In fact, he said, of Queen Beatrix does not drink, if not the Kayu Aro. The Kayu Aro is also a favorite in Germany and the Soviet Union Countries fractions, and some Arab States
Then what is the advantages of The Kayu Aro?
Oyung said the surplus generated a sense of the Kayu Aro from a height of land that became the place to grow tea, the better the quality. Aro is the timber plantations is the largest expanse of plantations in the world reached 2,624,69 hectares. lowest estates located at an altitude of 1.400m above sea level, and the highest land located at an altitude of 1700m above sea level.
The Kayu Aro Plantation opened in 1925 by a Dutch company that is NV HVA (Namlodse Venotchhaaf Handle Veriniging Amsterdam). The first plantings began in 1929 and the factory Founded in 1932. in one day, the timber plantation Aro average produce 80 tons of wet leaves. “Processing of the Kayu Aro, since the Dutch era that never change, despite hundreds of years old, but the engine was still maintained. This processing is traditionally and without dyes and preservatives, “says Oyung.
In addition, the Kayu Aro plantations provide employment for citizens, namely by employing 1865 employees.
The processing activity lasted for 22 hours, the longest process is the longest process is the process of withering, which takes up to 18 hours, “.