22-12-2011, 14:07
Tangerang District in Banten Province, has the potential of marine with a long coastline north about 50 miles, from coast to coast Kronjo Dadap, covering seven districts: Kosambi, Teluk Naga, Paku Haji, Kronjo, Sukadiri, Pecan and Mauk. One of the marine tourism area is quite crowded during the holidays, good holiday weekend or any other national holidays, namely Tanjung Kait, located in the village of Tanjung Anom, Mauk district, Tangerang regency.
Tanjung Kait Tourism
Hooks Cape Coast within 52 miles from the center of Jakarta or 29 miles from the city of Tangerang, can be reached by two-or four-wheeled vehicle, with good road conditions. On the way to Mauk, we will be treated to a vast panorama of rice fields are located on two sides of the road, and watch the busy activity of the agricultural community Mauk.
Some of the rice milling plant with a carpet of dried rice in her yard, busy doing activities. Rice fields with the rice began to turn yellow and bustle of farmers who started harvesting them, became a scene that already we can not find anymore in Jakarta.
Towards the tourist sites Tanjung Kait, through Jl. Ketapang - Jl. Tanjung Anom after monument Mauk, we will also be treated to a panorama of rice fields, plantations watermelon (seasonal), and also the stretch of the pond - the fish pond on the left side - right side of the road.
Arriving at the village of Tanjung Anom, where the location of Cape Coast Hooks are, we can see Tjoe Soe Kong Temple located on the corner and not much there Hotel Tanjung Kait. Temple Tjoe Soe Kong Tanjung Kait is located on the beach, built in 1792 AD and survived the tsunami caused by the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883.
On the coast of Tanjung Kait, lots of stalls - stall or restaurant that sells a variety of typical sea food (seafood), both of which stand on the beach or on the mainland, with a typical building made of bamboo. Various typical sea food such as fish, squid or shrimp, is a mainstay of food on the beach, with fresh young coconut as a drink.
Tourism can be enjoyed in this area other than culinary tour, of course, see - see panoramic beach / sea in the vicinity of this beach, or playing water, and fishing tours on the chart. By renting a fishing boat which is pretty much here, we will transfer to the chart to enjoy fishing in the sea. There are also rental boats to ferry to the island of Java Fortunately, the Thousand Islands.
Who have a hobby or want to try fishing in the chart, please come to Tanjung Kait, here the most suitable place to enjoy it, because Tanjung Kait once synonymous with fishing tours on the chart ...
Enjoy Tanjung Kait ..
Tanjung Kait Tourism
Hooks Cape Coast within 52 miles from the center of Jakarta or 29 miles from the city of Tangerang, can be reached by two-or four-wheeled vehicle, with good road conditions. On the way to Mauk, we will be treated to a vast panorama of rice fields are located on two sides of the road, and watch the busy activity of the agricultural community Mauk.
Some of the rice milling plant with a carpet of dried rice in her yard, busy doing activities. Rice fields with the rice began to turn yellow and bustle of farmers who started harvesting them, became a scene that already we can not find anymore in Jakarta.
Towards the tourist sites Tanjung Kait, through Jl. Ketapang - Jl. Tanjung Anom after monument Mauk, we will also be treated to a panorama of rice fields, plantations watermelon (seasonal), and also the stretch of the pond - the fish pond on the left side - right side of the road.
Arriving at the village of Tanjung Anom, where the location of Cape Coast Hooks are, we can see Tjoe Soe Kong Temple located on the corner and not much there Hotel Tanjung Kait. Temple Tjoe Soe Kong Tanjung Kait is located on the beach, built in 1792 AD and survived the tsunami caused by the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883.
On the coast of Tanjung Kait, lots of stalls - stall or restaurant that sells a variety of typical sea food (seafood), both of which stand on the beach or on the mainland, with a typical building made of bamboo. Various typical sea food such as fish, squid or shrimp, is a mainstay of food on the beach, with fresh young coconut as a drink.
Tourism can be enjoyed in this area other than culinary tour, of course, see - see panoramic beach / sea in the vicinity of this beach, or playing water, and fishing tours on the chart. By renting a fishing boat which is pretty much here, we will transfer to the chart to enjoy fishing in the sea. There are also rental boats to ferry to the island of Java Fortunately, the Thousand Islands.
Who have a hobby or want to try fishing in the chart, please come to Tanjung Kait, here the most suitable place to enjoy it, because Tanjung Kait once synonymous with fishing tours on the chart ...
Enjoy Tanjung Kait ..