View Full Version : Sipoholon Spring Water, North Sumatra - Indonesia

06-12-2011, 16:00
Not far from the city Tarutung there is a hot water bathing areas Sipoholon Sipoholon District. According to the Society Sipoholon, Hot Water Baths Sipoholon a removable heat from Mount Martimbang located 3 km from the city center Tarutung. This hot water has become an important icon for the community Sipoholon. Many invertor invested their capital in the area to create a bathing pool and accommodation for tourists.

Hot Water Sipoholon be almost the same as hot water in Cipanas. But the difference in Sipoholon when we can see directly a pair of hot springs. There are two hot springs, each of lubangnnya for asphalt drum hole. We can see directly how the hot water flows out of the ground. So the moment it can be a fun tour for visitors. In addition visitors could bathe only can directly see where the hot springs that flow.

photo: obaphotographerclub.com

photo: pixeletphotomagz.com

photo: images.detik.com

23-04-2012, 11:45
Sipoholon Spring Water Map

http://maps.google.com/maps?q=tarutung,+Sumatera+Utara,+Indonesia&hl=en&ll=2.028614,99.048615&spn=0.472115,0.724411&sll=3.600457,98.700485&sspn=0.471478,0.724411&t=h&hnear=Tarutung,+Mumbang+Masundutan,+North+Sumatra, +Indonesia&z=11

Sipoholon Spring Water Video


Video by: GoBatakTV