One of the waterfalls in Subang that you can visit and enjoy the waterfall Cijalu. Name 70 m high waterfall is derived from the word Cai and Jalu. Cijalu's name purportedly comes from the arrival of a warrior in that place that is trusted by the community around a spur / spur (siih in Sundanese).

You'll get a beautiful atmosphere and exquisite, which is supported with adequate facilities, one of which is a camping ground. With its natural atmosphere that is still clean, rimbunannya trees that covered most areas waterfall, birds singing and chirping endlessly, creating conditions for natural scenery in this place is completely natural and refreshing. Location in Village Cipancar, District Sagalaherang.

Situated in Cipancar Village, Sagalaherang Sub District, Subang Regency. The height is about 70 meters and the distance from Subang is about 37 km to the south, from Bandung about 62 km to the North, and from Jakarta about 157 km via Subang. This site is very comfortable for camping.




photo by aiphlaut