Menjer Lake is located in Menjer village, Garung sub district of Wonosobo. The total area is about 70 ha (the largest lake in Wonosobo) and the depth is 45 meters at an altitude 1300 mdpl. Menjer lake can be reached from Garung sub district about 5 km or Kejajar sub district.

Tourist definitely will be anchanted by the natural beauty of Menjer lake that trully beautiful and natural. The visitors also can enjoy the scenery of Menjer lake by boat. It cost Rp.10.000; per person for 30 minutes.

When Menjer lake covered by fog, the water is green and quite, it is surrounded by mountains, Menjer Lake has its own charm. The visitors also can fishing there. Menjer Lake is right place to visit.

Ticket Price
Ticket price of Menjer Lake around Rp 1,500 per person.

Facilities in Menjer Lake such as parking area, toilets, restaurants, rowboat rental and motor boat rental, with the rental cost Rp.10,000 for a one-time play.

Hours of Operation
on 7.00 a.m till 17.00 p.m


