Martha Christina Tiahahu statue is located at Karang Panjang, a hilly area that been clearly seen from Ambon. To reach Karang Panjang from Ambon we have to pass through the uphill street and some sharp turns, near to the Parliament Office of Maluku.
From the location of Martha Christina Tiahahu statue, we can see the sights of Ambon city. This location is commonly used as an alternative place to enjoy a relaxing atmosphere, especially young people who want to enjoy the view of Ambon with friends or their lover.
The Monument of Martha Tiahahu is an evidence of the courages from women in maluku defending their beloved homeland. Christina sculpture is shown carrying a spear. But in the battle against the Netherlands, the legend has it that she threw stones to Dutch soldiers when the troops ran out of ammunition.
Due to her courages against the firearm in the Netherlands by using only stones, people of Maluku calling her as Wanita Kabaressi ( brave lady). Her name is also used as a road in Karangpanjang.

At the base of the monument there are words 'Martha C. Tijahahu, the pearl of Nusa Laut (Island), Indonesian National Heroin, which is struggling to repel the Dutch colonizers from Maluku, falls on January 2, 1818.'
For the information, Martha Christina Tiahahu was born in 1800 in a village called Abubu in Nusalaut Island, Central Maluku regency. Martha was famous as a small-willed and brave lady.

She always followed his father Paul Tiahahu, including attending the planning meeting war. Paul Tiahahu is one of the leaders of Maluku people who are struggling against the Dutch. After growing up and being adults, Martha Christina Tiahahu was also join the fight.

Together with her father and Thomas Matulessy as known as Kapitan Pattimura, they were successfully demolish the Dutch troops who entrenched in Saparua, Central Maluku regency. However, in a fierce battle in the village Ouw-Ullath southeastern Saparua, Maluku fighters lost due to an unbalanced force. There were many captured fighters, including Paul Tiahahu who was executed.

However, Martha Christina Tiahahu was continue doing guerrilla with the fighters until finally arrested and being exiled to the island of Java. However, by being a prisoner did not make her softened against the Netherlands.
She remain tough by doing hunger strike and fell ill. Martha Christina died on a warship Eversten that belongs to the Dutch on the way to her exile in Java. His corpse was buried in the Banda Sea with military honors on January 2, 1818.