For Jakarta residents, Ujung Genteng in West Java is a perfect place for a weekend. There is a stretch of white sand beaches, blue seas, and cute turtles there. Traveling to Ujung Genteng is delightful.

Ujung Genteng is located in Ciracap district, Sukabumi, West Java. It is quite far from Jakarta. It’s about 8-9 hours away by car. Travel can be reached by private car or public transportation. From Bogor, bus will take you to the Pelabuhan Ratu and then by other connecting vehicles to Ujung Genteng. Although far away and tiring, the beauty of Ujung Genteng will pay off.

Arriving at the Ujung Genteng, white sand will welcome you. The sound waves will become music and coral stones will be the perfect complement to seaside atmosphere. While viewing beaches, guaranteed, you’ll fall in love.

In the morning, the other part of Ujung Genteng has a beautiful sunrise that will wake you up. Golden yellow light is really fascinating. Take a camera and record views of the sun rising.

In Ujung Genteng, there are many interesting places and activities, such as watching green turtles (Chelonia mydas) nesting at night, digging holes for their eggs, cover the holes for the eggs, etc in Pengumbahan Turtle Park. You can also touch the green turtle. When the night comes, you can move on to the turtle breeding. You can rental car for 30 minutes, you will meet baby turtles. You can learn a lot about turtles and release cute turtles into the sea. Well, adorable!