This place is often referred to the home of the spirits. In this Lemo cemetery you can see the deceases tha stored in an open air, amid the steep rocks. This cemetery is the combination of death, art and ritual. At certain times, the clothes from the bodies will be replaced through the ceremony of Ma Nene. It located in Toraja District. At this Lemo cemetery, there are Tau-Tau that made of wood or bamboo and it carved as human figure to embody the human spirit.

Tana Toraja boundary was determined by the Dutch East Indies government in 1909. In 1926, Tana Toraja was under the administration of Bugis state, Luwu. The regentschap (or regency) status was given on October 8, 1946, the last regency given by the Dutch. Since 1984, Tana Toraja has been named as the second tourist destination after Bali by the Ministry of Tourism, Indonesia. Since then, hundreds of thousands of foreign visitors have visited this regency. In addition, numerous Western anthropologists have come to Tana Toraja to study the indigenous culture and people of Toraja.