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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Embung Nglanggeran Pond at Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta

    Embung Nglanggeran is a new tourist spot which is located in Gunung Kidul. Precisely, it is located at Nglanggeran Wetan village, Nglanggeran, Patuk sub-district, Gunung Kidul regency, Yogyakarta Province. Embung Nglanggeran used to be a hill named Gunung Gandu or Mount Gandu. Then, the hill was cut and dug to be a rainfed pond which can irrigate fruit plantation in surrounding areas. Besides from rain, embung water is also from Sumurup spring which is located on Mt. Nglanggeran. As it was made from a hill which was cut, Embung Nglanggeran is a pond which is located on the top of a hill. Embung is a term which is used by Javanese people to call artificial lake which main function is for irrigation. Embung Nglanggeran was officially inaugurated by Sultan Hamengku Buwono X on 19 February 2013.

    At Embung Nglanggeran, you cannot go fishing, bathe or sail on a boat. But, Embung is still enjoyable if you come at proper time, for example, during the sunrise or sunset, because Embung Nglanggeran is the best place to enjoy the sunset in Yogyakarta. Embung Nglanggeran also offers beautiful scenery. A stretch of clear lake is front of the eyes, combined with green hills. It’s so amazing.

    To reach Embung Nglanggeran needs high adrenalin because you have to pass through villages, uphill roads flanked by old stone cliffs. Embung Nglanggeran is easy to be accessed from Jogja. If you drive your own private car, you just follow Jalan Wonosari road. Arriving at junction of the Patuk police office, you have to turn right to Purba Nglanggeran Volcano. And if you take a public transportation from Jogja, you can take a bus from Jogja to Wonosari. After that you go down at Patuk and continue the trip by rented motorcycle or ojek. Then, arriving at Embung which is located 500 meter s from the sea surface, you have to climb several stairs.

    If you are in Jogyakarta, please set your time to visit Embung Nglanggeran and enjoy the sunset.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Enjoy the Sunset Moment at Nglanggeran Pond

    Rock hills and green valleys framing a tiny pond in the foot of the ancient volcano of Nglanggeran show the breathtaking view of twilight. The fascinating moving silhouettes vigorously fit themselves there, resembling a giant screen where the orange sky becomes the background. The twilight view belongs to the Nglanggeran Pond, an oasis in the middle of the barren limestone hills.

    SourceImages: https://www.yogyes.com/en/

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