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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Samas Beach, the Turtle Conservation Beach in Bantul

    Samas Beach is one of the beaches located in Bantul has its own uniqueness compared to other beaches. You should visit this beach when travel to Yogyakarta. The waves and sea winds are strong, steep shoreline, black sand, and where the fishing make this place so special.

    Samas Beach is located in the village of Srigading or about 24 miles south of downtown Yogyakarta. The beach is bordered by Patehan Beach in the west and Parangtritis Beach in the east. This beach is known for big waves as Parangtritis Beach. Deltas that exist in freshwater rivers and lakes form a lake. Then the Provincial Fisheries Office DIY use the lake as the development of sea turtles and giant prawns and functioned as a fishing spot.

    Samas beach sand shiny black is often used as a place to lay some such rare hawksbill turtle, turtle blimbing, and olive ridley turtles. The fishermen often hunt turtle eggs along the stretch of coast for various purposes they need.

    Turtles often landed at Samas Beach to lay eggs. Then by Bantul Turtle Conservation Forum hatching naturally apply for turtle eggs. Turtle eggs that have been laid into the sand by the parent will be moved to the artificial nest. Once hatched baby turtles will be placed in a managed pool maintenance. Discharge into the sea have to wait 3 months to make it more powerful, because it does is hatching naturally. School children are usually assigned to perform the release of sea turtles as environmental education, namely the conservation of sea turtles.

    In addition, at the beach is also often held a religious ritual surrounding communities such as Carnival Kirab Tumuruning Maheso Suro Ceremony, Labuan Sedekah Laut, and Performing Arts (currently holiday).

    Samas Beach is quite easy to reach by public transport or private as well constructed roads. You will pass the wide expanse of rice fields and coconut trees along the road. In Samas Beach you can also enjoy Patehan Lighthouse. Around the coast have also been developed terminal, bathroom, lodging, SAR team, electricity networks, supermarket, restaurants, and parking area.
    Last edited by Lionna; 07-07-2015 at 10:35.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

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