Pelaruga (Pemandu Alam Rumah Galuh) is the tourism object that become favorite destination for locals or foreign tourist. There are three spot tourism that must be visited, those are; Lau Berte Waterfall, Teroh-Teroh Waterfall and Kolam Abadi.

Pelaruga is located in Rumah Galuh Village, Binjai District, Langkat Regency. But the locals community more usually called Desa Rumah Galoh. Access to get Pelaruga is easy to reach. Only take for about three hours from Medan city. Medan – Binjai – Namu Ukur – Desa Rumah Galoh.

When reached Pelaruga Jungle Tracking, available a guide who is a local resident who lives near the tourist spots. They will guide us to walk through the woods and take us to one of the tourist attractions in Pelaruga, or can be both as long as they are paid according to their prescribed rates.

In accordance with its name Pelaruga. You will be invited to explore through the natural forests that are still well preserved. The natural beauty of exotic blends match with the atmosphere so fun. Tracking activities will be made tired, but for the professional hiker, it is not difficult to do, past the stairs are made of bamboo. The outdoor tracking activity in Pelaruga is challenging. This place is one of the tourist attractions that still maintained its authenticity without any disturbance by human hands. This place became more popular among the lovers of adventure.