Kampung Batik Kauman is a kind of village in which all the people sell batik. Batik is a typical cloth made by the local people. If you visit Surakarta, visiting this kampung will be the right choice. You can shop many incredible batik clothes as souvenirs. Kampung Kauman is closely related to the history of removing of the Kartosuro Kingdom to Solo. Kauman was the place where many officials of the kingdom at that time like anom, ketip, modin, suronoto and kaum gathered in this place. People called kauman since there were many kaum (servants of kingdom) lived in the village. Until right now, the area is called kauman. They made special clothes of batik for the royal family of Surakata. From generation to generation, they made batik with its various types. Today, kauman is known as batik cloth producer.

Kampung Batik Kauman is situated in Trisula Street, Kauman, Nonongan Solo Kota or Kliwon Market, Central Java, Indonesia. The art of making batik of the people of Kauman is inherited from their ancestors. In its development, the art of making batik in this village is divided into three types, i.e. classical batik (written batik), stamped batik and the combination of both. Written batik has various patterns influenced by the art of batik or Surakarta Kingdom. Most batik products of this area are made using natural silk and woven silk, cotton and rayon. There are about 30 home industries in Kauman. The home industries support the products sold around Kauman. Many visitors admire the art of batik cloth. They are tourists from Asia, Europe and America.