The original palace called the Palace is located in downtown Yogyakarta. Karaton means a place where kings and queens live, or in other words that mean the same Kadaton.

In learning about the culture of Java, meaning it has a very deep philosophical meaning. The architecture of this palace is the Sultan Hamengkubuwono I himself, who was the founder of the Sultanate Ngayogyakarta. His expertise in the field of architecture regarded by Dutch scientists - Dr.Pigeund and Dr.Adam who regard it as the "architect of his Pakubuwono II Surakarta".

Kraton Yogyakarta was founded in 1756 by Prince Mangkubumi (Hamengkubu lane I) as the center of the kingdom Ngayogyakarta.At first, the location of the Palace is now a swamp area called Bannerman Pacethokan, which later developed into a guesthouse Ayodya.

Palace building stretches from north to south. The front page of the Palace called the plaza north and the backyard is called the square south. The design of this building shows that the Palace, Monument and Mount Merapi are in one line / axis is believed to be a sacred thing. In the past the Sultan used to meditate in a place on the shaft before leading a meeting or giving orders to his subordinates.

Parts of the palace from north to south are: Arch Gladag (is not there), Gate Pangurakan nJawi / out, gate Pangurakan Lebet / in, North Square, Complex Pagelaran, Siti Hinggil Complex, Gate Brojonolo, Complex Kamandhungan Lor / north , Gate Manganti Sri, Sri Manganti Complex, Gate Donopratopo, Kedhaton Complex (the official residence and the center of the palace), Gate Kamagangan, Complex Kamagangan, Gadhung Gate Motel, Complex Kamandhungan South / South, Gate Kamandhungan, Sapit Urang / pamengkang, Siti Hinggil South Complex / south (now called Sasana Hinggil), South Square, Gate of the Great Nirbaya (Commonly called Plengkung Gadhing).

All around the Palace and included a defense system consisting of a wall / walls.

Yogyakarta Palace Complex is opened every day for the general public from 07:30 to 13:00 o'clock, except on Fridays until 12.00 pm.


