View Full Version : Masbait Hill, Kei Island

11-08-2016, 14:59
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http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-JjfaY9ZgwXs/UaaUGKcrKyI/AAAAAAAAAPA/ahiCgGK5fAI/s1600/5694_101382966544200_100000174922177_35502_1988122 _n.jpg

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12-08-2016, 17:07
Kei Island has tons of tremendous genuine nature, in case of beaches marine tourism. The land contour is a bill hilly, but not too high. When we reach the highest point we can find Masbait Hill. Even the area is not too high like Puncak Bogor, but Masbait have something unique to be explored, especially for those who are Catholic and Christian People.
At this Masbait hill, we can see the cross path, the miniature of Jesus’s cros path before He was crucified. In fact, there a statue of Jesus that standing in the position like giving His bless to the people around.
The majority of Southeast Maluku people are holds Catholic for their religion; this can be a big red line why this pilgrim site is being placed here.

In addition to be the pilgrim site for Catholic followers, Masbait hill is mostly visited to watch the beautiful small islands from the top. At that moment, we can see the aquamarine colors that line up from the top of the hill, showing the beauty of Southeast Maluku. Moreover, we can also see the grace of God during sunrise or sunset from this hill, the entire phenomenon are tremendous.
This place is can be reached from Langgur, just 10-minute journey by public transportation. At this place, there is also a statue of Christ the King carriying the cross in His way to Golgota and being crusified. This place is very suitable for contemplating and saying the grace to the Almighty God and give our surrender to Him.